Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Offical January 2010 Budget

As I stated in a previous post we established our January 2010 budget. Since our income is variable each month we have to base each month on our previous month's income. We chose to use November 2009 figures instead of December 2009 because December 2009 we will have a lot of unusual income coming in and we want to stay honest with our budget.

To start we figured out what "Money Surprises" might come our way in January and budgeted for them. If the money is not spent, great! If it is we are covered ;) In January these include:

- New Year's
- My Mom's Birthday
- Blake's sister's birthday
- Haircuts (Myself, Blake and Zack)

So here it is:


Mortgage Payment $588.45
Property Taxes $90.00
Hydro $127.00
Gas $60.00
Water $75.00
Home Insurance $40.36
TV $30.00
Phone & Internet $65.00
Homeline Payment $84.10
Homeline Interest $15.00
Repairs/Maintenance $100.00
Child Support $200.00

Van Payment $173.64
Van Insurance $92.00
Repairs/Maintenance $200.00


Credit Line Payment $1273.66
Credit Line Interest $130.00

RRSP - Blake $125.00
RRSP - Monica $30.00
RRSP - Spousal $25.00
RESP $75.00

Groceries $450.00
Life Insurance $39.47
Sirius $16.94
Telus $36.96
Haircuts $40.00
Birthdays $30.00
New Year’s $30.00
Restaurants $75.00
Alcohol $75.00
Allowances $120.00
Christmas $125.00
Vacation $340.00
Medical $50.00
Clothes $50.00
Entertainment $25.00
Gifts $10.00
School $15.00

TOTAL $5132.58



This Housewife's Life Copyright © 2009 Girlymagz is Designed by Bie Girl Vector by Ipietoon